Young people are critical voices standing up to Big Tobacco and advocating for policies to eliminate the death and disease caused by tobacco.
Tobacco is still the number one cause of preventable death, killing half a million Americans and more than 8 million people worldwide every year. Despite tremendous progress to reduce tobacco use over recent decades, the tobacco industry is relentless in its efforts to hook new generations of young people, and tobacco-related health disparities continue to weigh on our communities.
Our progress shows that we can win the fight against tobacco and create the first tobacco-free generation — but only if we strongly counter the tobacco industry’s nefarious action and urge elected leaders to fully implement proven strategies that reduce tobacco use and save lives. In the U.S., we work at the national, state and local levels to put these solutions in place.
The tobacco industry has a long history of targeting kids with flavored products, like flavored e-cigarettes, menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars. Flavors improve the taste and mask the harshness of tobacco products, making it easier for kids to try these products and ultimately become addicted. The evidence is overwhelming that flavors play a key role in youth starting and continuing to use tobacco products, leading to addiction.
Cities, states and national regulators must implement strong policies that comprehensively end the sale of flavored tobacco products to cut off the tobacco industry’s pipeline of youth addiction. Six states and +400 localities across the country restrict the sale of flavored tobacco products, but laws differ in their application to types of products and stores.
Flavored vapes have fueled the youth e-cigarette epidemic, which is addicting a generation of kids and threatening to reverse decades of progress to reduce youth tobacco use in the U.S.
According to the latest data from the 2024 National Youth Tobacco Survey, over 1.6 million kids in the U.S. were current e-cigarette users and 85% of them used flavored products. Many are using these products most days or every day, a sure sign they’re becoming addicted.
Eliminating the sale of flavored e-cigarettes is a critical step toward ending the tobacco industry’s modern day pipeline of youth addiction.

Menthol cools and numbs the throat, reducing the harshness of tobacco smoke. Because of this effect, menthol cigarettes are more addictive, easier for kids to start and harder for smokers to quit.
For decades, the tobacco industry has targeted kids, Black Americans and other groups with marketing for menthol cigarettes, and the impact has been devastating, especially on the health of Black Americans. In the 1950s, less than 10% of Black smokers used menthol cigarettes. Today, about 88% of Black smokers smoke menthols.
Ending the sale of menthol cigarettes isn’t just a health issue, it’s a social justice issue. Researchers estimate that ending the sale of menthol cigarettes in the U.S. would prevent up to 650,000 deaths, including 255,000 Black lives, over 40 years.

More than 800 kids under age 18 try cigar smoking for the first time every day, and there has been an explosion of cheap, flavored cigars in recent years. Much of the growth in cigar sales is attributable to small, flavored cigars. These products are often colorfully packaged and very cheap, making them even more appealing to price-sensitive youth. Like other flavored tobacco products, the flavors also help mask the harshness of tobacco smoke.
Eliminating the sale of flavored cigars is a critical component of comprehensive policies to end the sale of flavored tobacco products.

EVERYONE: Tell the White House you support eliminating menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars
States below in RED have additional actions you can take. Click to see:
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