Plan Your Event
On our Day of Action, hundreds of events will take place across the country calling for change to protect kids from nicotine addiction and hold the tobacco industry accountable. Here's how you can participate in your community.
No event is too small to have an impact, and no one is too young or too old to participate. Whether you're tabling solo at your school or rallying with a big group at your state capitol, we want to hear about it and support you!
Once you have a plan, make sure you register your event to get counted and so we can connect you with new and updated resources to enhance your event, including eligibility for media assistance and support.
You can also visit our resources page for FREE downloadable materials, sample social posts and graphics, and more.
Event Ideas
Not sure what to do? Here are some popular events and photos from last year.
- Organize a rally at your state capitol or city hall.
- Host an informational booth or table on your school’s campus.
- Host a postcard party to have friends, family and others write messages you can send or deliver to legislators.
- Take a pledge to #TakeDownTobacco with members of your community and encourage them to share why they fight the tobacco industry.
- Host a community clean-up to collect cigarette butts.
- Organize a Honk and Wave event at a busy street corner where participants hold educational posters and encourage drivers to honk their horns in support.
- Host a tobacco use education night with your school’s PTA chapter or through another school club.
Event Tips
- If you're hosting a public event like a rally or demonstration, make sure to give your local media a heads up so they can cover the event.
- When posting about your event on social media, please tag #TakeDownTobacco so we can see what you're doing and help cross-promote.
- Visit our event resources page for FREE downloadable posters, postcards, and other materials to make your event even better.